Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 16th Fiesta Days - McHenry

Well - we traveled up north to go enjoy some live bands and do the whole carnival, overly priced food and beverages, sit on the lawn, let the kids run crazy, kind of day. My best friend had flown in for the weekend as well - so it was a good day all in all. Some other friends and their kids joined us. This is a yearly tradition with the kids.

Kassie got to see her boyfriend. They have been together for about 3 years now... lol. Scary! Kameron doesn't seem to like the carnival rides so much- kinda like his dad - I don't think he likes that feeling in your tummy. Kassie and I, of course, crave that feeling!

The band was great and we all had fun dancing...


At 7/19/2005 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiesta Days was good times! The kids enjoyed themselves! Jamie


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