Sunday, July 17, 2005

The beginning - Mo Bhealach Féin

Well - I wanted a way to keep the family posted on the kids as they grow. What better way than a blog! This will also provide an avenue for the kids to talk to everyone as well. We will definitely post our pictures here so you can see as well as read about them growing.

We've begun a new chapter in our life and we can't wait to share it with our family and friends.

(btw - Mo Bhealach Féin - stands for "My Own Way")


At 9/08/2005 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom- update please

At 3/12/2006 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom says you only show pics of Dad with kids none with Nana and the precious ones. Look thru your blog hmmmm


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