Sunday, July 24, 2005

McClain Family Reunion

Kameron and Kassie got to meet and play with lots of relatives on Papa's side. It was the hottest day of the summer - well into the 100's so we didn't stay more than a couple hours... They were beat red no matter how much water and juice I pumped them with. It's always nice to visit with family that you haven't seen in a long time. The reunion was at the Lake Villa Caboose park in one of their pavilions.

(cousins playing in the sand - they are only 11 days apart - do you know which one is which?)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 16th Fiesta Days - McHenry

Well - we traveled up north to go enjoy some live bands and do the whole carnival, overly priced food and beverages, sit on the lawn, let the kids run crazy, kind of day. My best friend had flown in for the weekend as well - so it was a good day all in all. Some other friends and their kids joined us. This is a yearly tradition with the kids.

Kassie got to see her boyfriend. They have been together for about 3 years now... lol. Scary! Kameron doesn't seem to like the carnival rides so much- kinda like his dad - I don't think he likes that feeling in your tummy. Kassie and I, of course, crave that feeling!

The band was great and we all had fun dancing...

July 3rd 2005 - Grant Park

The kids and I went to Grant Park/Millenium Park for the July 4th weekend festivities. One of my friends actually comes here every year with a bunch of couples and their children - so this was a neat family friendly event downtown Chicago. It was nothing like I expected. I had assumed that the kids and I would be standing in a large crowd on concrete being squished by millions. Turns out these people come at 7 am every year the day of the fireworks to a grassy tree lined hill top on the corner of Monroe and Columbus. Who knew? Anyway - we camped out and had a great time with the other families and kids. We danced, we grilled out, and we watched a fantastic fireworks display that was set to music by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It was a magical night for the kids and I.

The beginning - Mo Bhealach Féin

Well - I wanted a way to keep the family posted on the kids as they grow. What better way than a blog! This will also provide an avenue for the kids to talk to everyone as well. We will definitely post our pictures here so you can see as well as read about them growing.

We've begun a new chapter in our life and we can't wait to share it with our family and friends.

(btw - Mo Bhealach Féin - stands for "My Own Way")