Thursday, January 12, 2006

Where has the time gone?

My baby girl will be turning 6 years old in three days!!! I swear it was just yesterday that we came home from the hospital with her... I have tears in my eyes just thinking how fast the time has gone... My princess - God bless her! She is one of the greatest gifts ever. I have no idea how I got so lucky to have the two precious gifts that God has blessed me with. I thank him every single day. I love you Kassandra Suzanne! You and your brother are my world!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas Eve 2005

We spent Christmas Eve over at Uncle Rich's house during the afternoon and then Great Grandpa Stu's in the evening... Spent time with lots of relatives haven't seen in a long time. The pics are over at Uncle Rich's - and present time. Great Grandma Dorothy and Papa are sitting on the couch talking in the last picture.