Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween 05

Halloween 2005 - Second Halloween in the city of Chicago. Kassie was dressed up as Ariel from the Little Mermaid and Kameron was a fireman (go figure!). They had a lot of fun at their school party and doing trick or treats around the block. Kassie had the most fun giving out the candy to the kids that came up to the door. (She had a bit of a problem walking with her "tail fins" though... lol)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Photo Session

A certain princess thought it'd be a great idea to do a little photo shoot in the middle of putting up Halloween Decorations. I do have to admit the pic of both them sideways is my favorite! They are such cuties....

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Beautiful City of Chicago

Well - we've been livin down here for over a year now - thought we should include some of our pics of the city... We'll have to get better at taking some more of our visits to various areas.