Sunday, September 18, 2005

Chicago Gaelic Festival

Kassie, Kameron, Kevin and I visited Gaelic Festival in Grant Park this weekend. Mommy of course, wanted Kas to see the dancers - so we watched them for about an hour. Kas really enjoyed it and of course tried to dance like them for the rest of the day. We walked over to Buckingham fountain and while taking some pics - we were serenaded by the lovely Scottish bagpipers - they were VERY good! Couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather that day either.
If you’re enough lucky to be Irish...You’re lucky enough!
May you have all the happiness
and luck that life can hold—
And at the end of all your rainbows
may you find a pot of gold.
May your pockets be heavy—
Your heart be light,
And may good luck pursue you
Each morning and night.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The First Tooth Fairy visit

Kassie lost her very first tooth!!! She was very excited about - it took about a week to finally come out - and it did while she was at school. She brought it home and we made sure to put it in her Tooth Fairy pillow that she got from her Godmother Sam. The toothfairy did visit and left Kassie a surprise for her very first tooth. (Mommy could swear it was just yesterday that Kas was cutting her first tooth - sighing wistfully - time goes way too fast!)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

A terrible tragedy occurred in August of 05 - Hurricane Katrina. We do have friends that live in the area and were affected by this horrific tragedy. Kassie and Kameron have friends that are from Louisiana. The Bodin Family - though now living in Texas - are from Louisiana originally and have many other relatives in Louisiana that were affected. It brought it that much closer to our hearts... and made the stories on TV more real life.

As well - Uncle Rich went down there with many other Lake County Fire Depts to go assist New Orleans in their time of need. The reports back were that it was like a war zone down there. While staying in one of the tent camps, Uncle Rich did actually get to shake hands with the President of the U.S. when the president went down there to view the devastation. Those people down there lost all they ever had - and have no where to go. Words can't describe the feeling of loss and devastation. No matter how much we pledge or give of ourselves - it just doesn't feel like enough. Our hearts go out to all those affected by Katrina. God Bless You all...